Exercise Solution

Part 1

The scene is a teapot jumping up and down on a textured ground quad with a point light circling the scene. We can set up this scene by combining Part 3 of Worksheet 5 with Part 3 of Worksheet 8. The main difficulties are (a) that the ground plane and the loaded object use different shaders and (b) that we need to position the teapot in the scene.

  • Use your code from Part 3 of Worksheet 5 to load and render the teapot model, which is available on File Sharing. Scale the teapot to a quarter of its original size and construct a model matrix for it that translates it by the vector (0, −1, −3).
  • Insert shaders and the part that initializes and draws the textured ground quad from Part 3 of Worksheet 8. The ground quad and the teapot use different shaders. Consult the section called “Switching Shaders” from the WebGL Programming Guide to render these two objects using their own shaders. It is important to note the use of the function initAttributeVariable in the render function.
  • Move the teapot up and down over time by modifying the model matrix. Create a button that turns this motion on/off.
  • Ensure that you can modify the view matrix. Create an extra view matrix that looks at the teapot and the ground directly from above. Use this for debugging purposes, as it is much easier to spot misplaced shadows in this view.
  • For reference, insert the black projection shadows from Part 3 of Worksheet 8. In this scene, we use a model matrix to move the shadow-casting object. It is important to realize that the model matrix should be applied first (before the shadow projection matrix) when rendering the shadow polygons.
  • Set the light direction in the teapot shading according to the position of the point light circling the scene. Create a button that switches point light animation on/off.
Please use a browser supporting HTML5
Look down
Move light

Part 2

Projection shadows have several shortcomings. A significant problem is missing self-shadowing. Shadow mapping solves most of these issues (but introduces other problems).

Your task is now to replace the projection shadows from Part 1 with shadow mapping. We recommend using the “Display Shadows” section of the WebGL programming guide. This text is available on File Sharing. There are two kinds of coordinate spaces used in this assignment: camera relative and light relative.

The basic steps are:
  • Render the scene from the point of view of the light source. Use a shader that draws fragment depth and use a framebuffer object (fbo) to render directly into a texture. The viewport might need adjustment when using the fbo. Bind the depth texture when drawing the ground plane to inspect the result, and use this inspection to set proper light view and light projection matrices. [Angel 5.11, 7.12]
  • Use the rendered depth texture in the other shaders to determine whether a fragment is in shadow or fully lit. Multi-texturing is needed for the ground plane to combine shadow and texture mapping. [Angel 5.11, 7.5.6]
Make the shadows dark but not pitch black. This can be done by adjusting the visibility factor in the fragment shader.
Please use a browser supporting HTML5
Look down
Move light
See depth map

Part 3

Compare projection shadows to shadow mapping by listing advantages and disadvantages of the two techniques.

Projection shadows
+ Easy to implement
+ Computationally cheap
- Only really suitable for projecting shadows into flat surfaces
- Controlling the shadow's color is limited
- Self-shadowing is not possible with this method

Shadow mapping
+ Self-shadowing is not a problem
+ We can combine shadow and shadowed object's color to blend them any way we want
+ Can be used to shapes of arbitrary complexity
- Harder to implement (requires separate shaders and FBOs)
- Worse performance because of the intermediate texture
- All kinds of problems arising from the use of a texture (aliasing, shimmering...)